Parsha Shiurim
Ahavat Am Yisrael and Ahavat HaTorah
Vaera: Meet God
The Four Leshonos of Geulah & a Truly Fantastic Remez
Vaeira 5784
Va'eira 5784
Parashah and Politics Va'era
דברים קצרים, וארא תשפ"ד, מורינו הגה"צ רבי אלימלך בידרמן שליט"א
ליל שישי, וארא תשפ"ד מיט ר' מיילך
Vaeyra: Lessons from a Frog
Vaeira - 5783
Haftorah of Vaera - The Reed Staff of Egypt
Vaeira Derasha - Going Against Our Nature
Vaera : Royal Treatment
Vaera 5785
Va'eira 5784
וארא, חרטומים חסר י׳
Va'eira - What's Success?
Vaeira 5783 - Protesting to Hashem
Vaeira 5785
Va'eira 5784
Vaera 5785
Va'Eirah 5785: The Song of the Frog - A Praise Like No Other
Vaera 5784
Vaeira 5784
Vaeira - Quick Vort
Vaeira - Recap
Va'eirah 5782 - Only One we can trust
Rabbi Zvi Gefen - "Are you a Comfort Seeker or Truth Seeker?"
Vaera: Conspicuous Consumption
How Will Redemption Begin? | Vaera 5784
Vaeira 5782