Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
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What would Am Yisrael lose if Rachel would've been buried in Ma'aras Hamachpela? Two fundamentals of the Maharal in this week's Parsha
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 25:36
Two remarkable insights of the Maharal in explaining the משל ונמשל that Rashi mentioned in the first פסוק of the parsha
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 23:55
What role does the "מקל של יעקב" play? Why is it mentioned in this Parsha, in תפלת גשם, and in many other places?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 27:39
There are 2 דינים that Yitzchak had to follow as a result of being a עולה תמימה. One he figured out on his own, but the other הקב"ה had to tell him. Why?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 20:20
Two points to glean from this week Maharals; (A) Where exactly will תחיית המתים take place? (B) The real reason why Avraham was looking for a Shidduch for Yitzchak.
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 18:34
2 people need the same ישועה. Should each one daven for the other, or they should daven for themselves? One Rashi says the first side, and the other Rashi says the second side...
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 15:59
Without davening - you won't get it, and with davening you'll get it even if you don't deserve it.
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 19:49
An attempt to answer 2 powerful questions that the Chofetz Chaim asks on the Maharal
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 22:11
Why is one called לשון הרע and the other is called נבול פה? What's the difference between לשון and פה?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 17:54
We're called "בנים אתם" of 'ה and "בני בכורי" of 'ה, but "בכור" means there's other siblings, and "בנים אתם" means we're the only ones?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 22:57
Pshat, Lomdos, Halacha, Machshava, all in one short vort of the Maharal in Parshas Ekev
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 22:52
Is it called "יום השבת" because Hashem rested on that day, or because Yisrael rested on it? Leading to the Maharal's explanation why Hashem created the world.
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 17:29
Is there a מחלוקת between the Maharal and the Gra regarding how much Torah does it take to be called "כאילו ילדו"?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 11:40
Wouldn't you want to know the Yesod that the Maharal calls it "כלל גדול, שורש גדול, מפתח גדול"?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 22:41
Why the term "אזכרתה" appears only by מנחות, and not by קרבנות as well?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 18:26
Why is Purim the time of משלוח מנות ומתנות לאביונים? Why is Purim all about ונהפוך הוא?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 23:35
How are we suppose to know what our תפקיד in life is? Should there be a formal הדרכה for this?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 21:56
What makes people generous and what makes them stingy? It has nothing to do with their bank account... So then with what?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 20:38
Why a thief who humiliated himself throughout the theft deserve any mercy?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 27:00
Which Mitzvos cannot be done only because Hashem commanded us to do them?
Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman 23:57
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