Why should I sign in to All Parsha?
Signing in to All Parsgha gives you a more customized app experience. Users that are signed in can use the one-of-a-kind Shnayim Mikra Dashboard which allows you to track your Shnayim Mikra. As well as creating your custom My Parsha Picks, App remembers where you left off in shiurim and much more. Plus users get updates about all the new content constantly being added to All Parsha. All Parsha sign-in is just a click away when using your Apple, Facebook, or Google Account.
How do I download a shiur to listen to when I am offline?
You can download any shiur by pressing the download button at the bottom of the player page. Then when offline you can go to LIBRARY and select downloads.
How do I delete a downloaded shiur?
Go to the download section and swipe right of the desired shiur and a Delete button will appear.
What is the Shabbos Table section?
Shabbos Table is a curated section that appears on the top of the All Parsha app every Thursday with short shiurim to enhance your shabbos table.
I am having a hard time reading the text, are there larger fonts?
Yes, we have 3 font options simply go to My Account and select them.
I only listen to shiurim while driving. Can the video shiurim be audio only?
Yes they can, we offer an audio-only option with just one click of a button - Go to My Account and select Audio Only.
How do you change the Parsha to a different week?
Simply click on the All Parsha logo on the top right of the homescreen and then select the desired parsha.
I do not see my Parsha Picks that I selected?
Parsha Picks only appear when the shiur goes live for that week. Shiurim are updated throughout the week.