Derech Emunah Publishing of New Manuscripts from the 1860's-1910's

Season 2 of Rav Chaim's Seforim Explored with Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt has been generously sponsored by L’ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim Ben Yitzchok Dovid.

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0:00 Introduction

5:13 Newspaper Advertisements and the Netziv

11:30 Shlomo Zalman Halberstam and his collection

15:30 Moshe Reines

17:20 Avhrom Eliyahu Harkavy

22:40 Mekitze Nirdamim

24:10 Publishing of Malmed hatalmidim

26:26 Items published by Mekitze Nirdamim

28:55 Avrhom Berliner

30:49 R Shlomo Buber

32:42 Gerer Rebbe and his collection of seforim

38:48 Publication of Midrashei Halacha and Agadah

Breisah Deshmuel and Breisha Demazalot

41:17 Roceach רוקח R Klugman and R Chaim Kanievsky

43:00 R Shmuel Hominer, Birchat Cohanim at the Kotel