This week on our new series 'Likutei Sichos' we are privileged to feature a special discussion on Parshas Kedoshim, guided by the insightful teachings of Likutei Sichos by the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt'l. Rabbi Berel Wolvovsky, spiritual leader of the Chabad of Silver Spring, together with Rabbi Efraim Mintz, Executive Director of JLI, delve into the spiritual and practical lessons embedded within this week's Torah portion. The episode focuses on a profound exploration of where our financial blessings originate, offering a deeper understanding of 'parnassa' through the lens of Jewish wisdom. Rabbi Wolvovsky shares intriguing insights on the secrets to prosperity and how they correlate with our spiritual duties and moral responsibilities. Tune in to uncover the enriching teachings of Parshas Kedoshim as presented by two distinguished leaders in the Jewish community, enhancing your perspective on both material and spiritual prosperity.