- A נביא who says to transgress an aveirah
Rebbe Yochanan said: בכל אם יאמר לך נביא עבור על דברי תורה – in all areas, if a נביא tells you, “Transgress this Torah law temporarily, שמע לו – obey him (like the incident of Eliyahu on הר הכרמל), except regarding idolatry, שאפילו מעמיד לך חמה באמצע הרקיע – for even if he makes the sun stand still in the middle of the sky, אל תשמע לו – do not obey him to serve idolatry. Rebbe Yose HaGlili said: הגיע תורה לסוף דעתה של עבודה זרה – the Torah understood the ultimate intent of promoters of idolatry, who would perform miracles to persuade people to idolatry; לפיכך נתנה תורה ממשלה בה – therefore, the Torah granted them power in this, i.e., discussed idolatrous prophets performing wonders, and instructed that even if they should make the sun stand still in the sky, they should not be obeyed.
Rebbe Akiva objected: חס ושלום שהקב"ה מעמיד חמה לעוברי רצונו – Heaven forbid that Hashem should make the sun stand still for those who transgress His will! Rather, when the passuk discusses miracles performed by an idolatrous prophet, it means someone like חנניה בן עזור, who was previously a true נביא (and performed miracles at that time) but later became a false prophet.
- כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא, with exceptions
The eleventh Perek begins: כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא – all of Yisroel have a share in the World to Come, based on a passuk. The Mishnah lists the exceptions: האומר אין תחיית המתים מן התורה – one who says there is no source for the Resurrection of the Dead in the Torah (even if he personally “believes” in it, since he has no basis for it), ואין תורה מן השמים – or that Torah is not transmitted from Heaven, or an אפיקורוס (which the Gemara will define). Rebbe Akiva adds one who reads ספרים חיצונים – “external books,” (which will be defined), and one who recites an incantation over a wound. Abba Shaul adds one who pronounces Hashem’s Name according to its letters. A Baraisa explains why one who denies תחיית המתים has no share in Olam Haba: he denied תחיית המתים, לפיכך לא יהיה לו חלק בתחיית המתים – therefore, he will not have a share in תחיית המתים. שכל מדותיו של הקדוש ברוך הוא מדה כנגד מדה – For all of Hashem’s measures are measure for measure, i.e., His punishments match the sin.
- מניין לתחיית המתים מן התורה
The Gemara asks: מניין לתחיית המתים מן התורה – from where do we find a source for תחיית המתים in the Torah? Numerous sources are presented on this Daf: the Torah said to give terumas maaser “to Aharon the Kohen.” But Aharon never entered Eretz Yisroel to receive terumah!? אלא מלמד שעתיד לחיות– Rather, it teaches that he is destined to live again, and Klal Yisroel will give him terumah. Hashem established a ברית with the Avos to give the Land of Canaan "להם" – to them, not "לכם" – to you, proving they will come back to life. Rabban Gamliel told heretics three sources, but they were not convinced until he quoted a fourth passuk, about the land “that Hashem swore to your forefathers to give להם – to them.” Alternatively, he quoted "חיים כולכם היום" – you are all alive today, teaching that just as you are all alive today, אף לעולם הבא כולכם קיימין – so too in the World to Come you will all be alive. Rebbe Eliezer bar Rebbe Yose quoted: הכרת תכרת הנפש ההיא עונה בה – that soul shall surely be cut off; its sin is upon it. The first phrase refers to עולם הזה, so the second must refer to עולם הבא.